
Latest News

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June 2021 Newsletter

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians, The attached newsletter (click here) has important dates and information regarding the end of this school year and the start of school in September. There is als…
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6月のお知らせ June notice

日本語は英語文の後にあります。 Dear parents and guardians The end of the 2020-2021 School year is coming near. All classes were held online this year. We would like to thank all the par…
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April 2021 Newsletter

Dear students and parents/guardians, Please enjoy our April newsletter written and created by our Communications Committee: Click here Read about upcoming important dates and information, cultural lin…
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Recitation Contest

*日本語(普通科)はこちらのページをご覧ください→ 音読コンテスト Here is some information about our upcoming recitation contest.  All students, except for Adult classe…
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For English/Fundamental stream classes, please see this page –> Recitation Contest 校内の音読コンテストのご案内お知らせです。このコンテストはPadletに音声または…
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February 2021 Newsletter

Dear Parents/Guardians and students: Please find attached the third issue of the school’s newsletter celebrating the Steveston Japanese Language School’s 60th Anniversary. In the newslett…
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