Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, Please read our newsletter which contains upcoming dates to remember and other important school and cultural information: Click here *Please note the message in th…
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, We are pleased to provide you with the latest newsletter featuring updates on our Sinfully The Best chocolate fundraiser and Mabels Labels’ special offer, ph…
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, Please enjoy our December newsletter, attached. Click here Have a wonderful holiday season! Your Communications CommitteeSteveston Japanese Language School
Order now to support our school!Order deadline is Wednesday, November 15.Pick up dates: Wed. November 22 – Sun. November 26 (9 am – 4 pm)Pick up at: Damien’s Belgian Waffle Factory See details h…
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, Please read our newsletter which contains upcoming dates to remember and other important school and cultural information: Click here Have a wonderful summer! Commu…
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students, We are holding one last fundraiser for the year! We’ve heard from some parents and students about how much they enjoy Mr. Cooper’s Pies, so we set up…