Omochi sales fundraiser has started! ファンドレイジングのおもちセールが始まりました
*Please click here for PDF file
- 1袋 (ziploc入り):約55gのお餅 x 5個
- 1袋の値段:$5.00 *一家族5袋まで注文可
- 注文期間:2020年1月6日(月)〜1月11日(土)
- 注文方法:注文票と代金を一緒にして、オフィスにてお申し込み下さい。
- お餅受け取り期間:2020年1月27日(月)〜2月1日(土)オフィスにて
- お餅はボランティアによる手作りです。一つ一つ計量しますが、大きさに多少の差が出る可能性もあります。
- お餅の作成は、受け取り開始日の前日1月26日(日)です。月曜日と火曜日の受け取りのお餅は、冷蔵庫にて保存し、そのままお渡しします。受け取りが水曜日以降のお餅は、冷凍保存とします。
MOCHI (rice cake) Sales for Fundraising
Our mochi sale is always a very popular event among our families, and the school will do this again in January, 2020. The number of mochi sold is limited and the order will be on a first-come, first-served basis up to 100 bags (5 mochi in a bag). We will not take any more orders after 100 bags.
Please read the following details and place an order as soon as you can. You may order for your family/relatives and friends too. Please print out the order form below or pick one up at the office.
This mochi-sale is a school fundraising event and all the profits will go to the school. Fundraising plays a vital role for the school to enhance a better learning environment. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation for our school. Thank you very much!
- One bag (Ziploc bag): 5 pieces of mochi (approx. 55g each)
- Price per bag: $5.00 * You may order up to 5 bags per family.
- Order period: Monday, January 6 – Saturday, January 11
- How to order: Pay at the office together with the order form
* Cash only. We ask you to pay the exact amount.
- Pick-up period: Monday, January 27 – Saturday, February 1
* Please pick up your mochi at the office during class hours. Please note that the school is closed on Fridays.
* Not all staff at the reception are Japanese school employees. Please indicate that you are picking up mochi from the Japanese school.
- The mochi is made by our volunteer parents, staff and students. We will measure for 55g, but there might be a slight difference in the size.
- We will make mochi on Sunday, January 26th, the day before the first pick-up day. The mochi for the Monday & Tuesday pick-up will be stored in the refrigerator and given to you as it is. The mochi for the Wednesday pick-up and after will be stored in the freezer.