
October 11, 2024

Annual General Meeting 年次総会のお知らせ

For an English PDF file with the Proxy Form, click here.

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, October 24, 2023  7:00 PM  Online via Zoom

October 11, 2024

Dear Member of the Steveston Japanese Language School Society:

On Monday October 28, 2024, the Steveston Japanese Language School Society is holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM). Your membership gives each family/you a vote at the AGM. Your vote is important because it ensures board members meet their responsibilities and the school is run properly. As a member of the Society, you are invited and encouraged to attend this important meeting. 

The agenda of this year’s AGM includes:

  • Scholarship presentation
  • President’s report
  • Treasurer’s financial report
  • Principal’s report
  • Election of the 2024-2025 Board of Directors


  • If you would like to attend the AGM on Zoom, please email the school at [email protected] no later than Monday, October 21, 2024. A meeting link will be forwarded to you.
  • If you are unable to attend the meeting,please help increase our participation numbers at the AGM by completing and signing the proxy form on page 2 and emailing it to [email protected] no later than Monday, October 21, 2024.

We encourage our members to get involved! Would you like to join our volunteer Board of Directors to help operate the school? If you have skills and talents that you would like to contribute to the Board, such as Human Resources, Financial, Grant Writing, Fundraising, Marketing, Business, Law, Administration, etc., please let us know in advance of the meeting so we can meet with you ahead of the AGM. 


Our mission as a non-profit organization through the involvement of teachers, parents and volunteers with a commitment to education, culture and community is to:

  • Promote through educational and event programming the understanding of the Japanese language and culture to all Canadians
  • Actively uphold the history of the Steveston Japanese community
  • Actively participate in community events and organizations

年 次 総 会 ご 案 内

日時:2024 年 10 月 28 日 (月) 午後7 時  

ZOOM によるオンラインミーティング




総会では、奨学金の授与、理事長・校長の報告や会計からの決算報告、本年度(2024-2025)の理事会メンバーの推薦と選出が行われます。 なお、総会は英語で行われますので、あらかじめご了承ください。

● ズームで総会に出席される方: 10 月 21日 (月) 必着で [email protected] までメールにてご連絡ください。ミーティングのリンクをお送りします。

● 欠席の場合: 別紙の委任状に記入・署名をして、10 月 21日 (月) までに [email protected] まで、メール添付にてご提出ください。



当校は非営利団体で教師、保護者、ボランティアの皆様によって支えられています。 当校の使命は以下の通りです。

  • 日本語教育と日本文化を通して地域社会に貢献すること
  • スティーブストンにおける日系社会の歴史を受け継いでいくこと
