Important information for September 2020
*Click here for PDF file
August 11, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,(日本語の文章は英語のあと)
We hope you and your families are well and enjoying the beautiful summer.
Thank you for your continuous support for the school during this difficult time. We also appreciate your input on the Zoom classes during the April – June term.
After several discussions on what learning mode would be the best choice for this coming September – December time period, we have decided to offer 100% on-line learning for all classes (pre-school – adult classes). It was a very difficult decision as we were hoping to welcome students back in class where a lot of hands-on learning would take place. However, the safety for all students and staff members is our priority and we do not wish to put any of our school members at risk, especially when the COVID-19 cases are increasing in the recent weeks. We will re-evaluate the situation in December to decide whether or not in-class instruction would be available beginning in January.
Below shows some of the updated information for the months of September – December.
- On-line learning will be provided through Zoom. The school has purchased licenses for use by the teachers for this school year.
- Preschool: Your teacher will be in contact with you shortly regarding instruction times
- Kindergarten – Grade/Level 3: On-line instruction time will be at least 70 minutes/week
- Grade/Level 4 and up: On-line instruction time will be at least 80 minutes/week
- Adults: On-line instruction time will be at least 80 – 90 minutes/week
* All classes will be followed by additional 10-30 minutes of office hours, depending on the class. Teachers will be available to provide extra support for students individually.
* Class timetables will be announced in a few weeks.
2. Although the on-line class time will be shorter than the in-person class time, extra work and costs are involved to develop and prepare material for a quality on-line learning experience. Therefore, tuition rates will remain the same as the 2019-2020 school year. For your reference, the tuition rates can be found in the tables at the end of this letter after the Japanese translation.
Please be reminded that thetuition amount for this past April – June term will be credited against the upcoming school year’s tuition amount for applicable students.
3. In a few weeks, you will receive another email containing a personalized billing statement showing the amount of tuition that will be due and payable online before the school starts. This amount will include the tuition plus any additional fees less any credits.
More details will be announced in due course. We appreciate your patience on the full picture of the school for this coming year. There are many challenges for the school, but we would like to reassure you that we will continue to communicate with you and make all the necessary information open to you.
Please feel free to direct your questions to our principal Tomoko Suzuki at [email protected].
In the meantime, please be vigilant in the latest information on COVID-19. They are found at:
Vancouver Coastal Health
HealthLink BC
BC Centre for Disease Control
Health Canada
With gratitude,
Steveston Japanese Language School Board of Directors
1. 全クラス、Zoom での授業となります。今年度は Zoom のライセンスを購入し、長時間の授業を提供いたします。
- Preschool: 後日担任教師より、授業時間について直接ご連絡いたします。
- Kindergarten – Grade/Level 3: Zoomクラス週1回最低70分
- Grade/Level 4 and up:Zoomクラス週1回最低80分
* 全てのクラスでZoomクラス終了後に10分〜30分のオフィスアワーを設けます。(時間はクラスにより異なります。)教師はZoom に残り、生徒からの質問などに個々に対応します。
* クラスの時間割に関しては現在調整中です。決まり次第お知らせします。
2. より効果的なオンライン学習を提供するために、クラス外でのオンライン学習開発と準備に通常以上の時間がかかり、それに伴う経費も発生します。そのため、Zoomによる授業時間は例年より短くなりますが、授業料は2019年度と同じ料金とさせていただきます。英語版の最後に授業料一覧を載せましたので、そちらをご参照ください。なお、4月にお伝えした通り、去年度4月―6月にお支払いいただいた授業料は今年度の授業料に回され、今回はその差額の支払いとなります。
3. 具体的な授業料の支払い額は各家庭により異なります。後日別メールにて個々の金額をお送りしますので、もうしばらくお待ちください。支払い額には、授業料(去年度4月―6月の授業料を差し引いた額)と登録料など(該当家庭のみ)が含まれます。支払いは別メールにある指示に従い、学校開始までにオンライン決済でお願いいたします。
その他の詳細につきましても随時お知らせします。2020年度の学校運営に関しては、コロナ渦での判断が大変難しく、皆様へのご連絡も迅速にできないのが現状です。しかしながら、できる限りの情報をお伝えし、皆様からのご質問、ご意見にも真摯に対応してまいります。お問い合わせは、日本語学校長 鈴木知子([email protected].)までお願いいたします。
スティーブストン日本語学校 理事会
Tuition Rate Tables
Child Classes:
# of children per family | If paying in one lump sum for all three terms, due by Sep 1 2020 | If paying in three installments due by Sep 1 2020, Dec 1 2020, and Apr 1 2021 |
1 | $524 | $180 per installment; $540 in total |
2 | $1036 | $356 per installment; $1068 in total |
3 | $1548 | $532 per installment; $1596 in total |
4 | $2060 | $708 per installment; $2124 in total |
*Other applicable fees: $30 registration fee. The registration fee is waived for returning families who registered during the early registration period.
Adult Classes:
If paying one lump sum for all three terms, due by Sep 1 2020 | If paying by three installments due by Sep 1 2020, Dec 1 2020 and Mar 1 2021 |
$445 | $153 per installment; $459 in total |
*Other applicable fees: $30 registration fee. The registration fee is waived for returning students who registered during the early registration period.