New Year’s Party 2016
Our annual New Year’s Party in January was a success! Many parents and students attended the popular party and smiles could be seen everywhere. We are very grateful to those who volunteered at the party; their help ensured everyone’s enjoyment at the event. We’d like to thank the parents, grandparents, Senior class and Saturday class students for taking time out to volunteer. We also would like to thank former principals and teachers for lending their expertise to help the party run smoothly. Photos from the event can be viewed here.
恒例のお正月パーティーは大成功に終わりました。多くの保護者と生徒達が出席し、どの顔にも笑顔があふれていました。ボランティアをして下さった方々のおかげで、本当に楽しいイベントになりました。保護者の方々、シニアクラスと土曜日クラスの生徒達、お手伝い下さりありがとうございました。又、元校長や先生方々にもお礼申し上げます。写真はこちらでviewed here.